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Add Translations

Services can have texts that need to be translated. These translations will be shown in the ownCloud Web UI. Compared to web, these translations are:

  • Independent of ownCloud Web on Transifex.
  • Are located in the ownCloud Transifex Project.
  • Have a name starting with ocis- for ease of identification.

The process for synchronisation with Transifex is already setup and nothing needs to be done here. For any translation, it is necessary to set it up in the respective service and tell to sync it.

Translations are automatically synced on a daily basis in the night.

Implementing ocis Translations

The implementation example is a guide and shall show how to do it. You can derive at any time according your needs.

Note that paths are examples and can be adapted based on requirements.
Replace <service-name> with the name of the respective service.
Translations have a context and a translatable string. The context is shown on Transifex but not translated and helps translators to get a context for the string to be translated.

  • Add the OCIS_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE envvar in services/<service-name>/pkg/config/config.go.
    For details see the userlog or notifications service code.

  • Use "github.com/owncloud/ocis/v2/ocis-pkg/l10n" for the translation.

  • Create a config in services/<service-name>/pkg/service/l10n/.tx/config with the following content. Note that it is important to stick with ocis-<service-name> to easily identify all ocis translations on Transifex:

    host = https://www.transifex.com
    file_filter = locale/<lang>/LC_MESSAGES/<service-name>.po
    minimum_perc = 75
    source_file = <service-name>.pot
    source_lang = en
    type = PO
  • Create a go file like templates.go in ocis/services/<service-name>/pkg/service that will define your translation sources like the following:

    // context string
    var yourString = l10n.Template("Translation String")
  • In the Makefile in the ocis root, add in the following section the service you want to synchroize translations with Transifex:

    # add a service here when it uses transifex
    L10N_MODULES := \
    	services/notifications \
    	services/userlog \
    	services/graph \
  • In the Makefile of the <service-name> add:
    At the beginnig:

    # Where to write the files generated by this makefile.
    OUTPUT_DIR = ./pkg/service/<...>/l10n
    TEMPLATE_FILE = ./pkg/service/<...>/l10n/<service-name>.pot

    In the .PHONY list:

    ############ translations ########
    .PHONY: l10n-pull
    	cd $(OUTPUT_DIR) && tx pull --all --force --skip --minimum-perc=75
    .PHONY: l10n-push
    	cd $(OUTPUT_DIR) && tx push -s --skip
    .PHONY: l10n-read
    l10n-read: $(GO_XGETTEXT)
    	go-xgettext -o $(OUTPUT_DIR)/<service-name>.pot \
    	--keyword=l10n.Template --add-comments -s \
    .PHONY: l10n-write
    .PHONY: l10n-clean
    	rm -f $(TEMPLATE_FILE);