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New Service Checklist

When a new service gets introduced, this checklist is a good startingpoint for things that need to be completed before the service gets published (merged). This list is without claim of completeness or correct sort order.

New Service Checklist

Use this checklist with copy/paste in your PR - right from the beginning. It renders correctly in your PR.

- [ ] Provide a README.md for that service in the root folder of that service.
  - Use CamelCase for section headers.
- [ ] For images and example files used in README.md:
  - Create a folder named `md-sources` on the same level where README.md is located. Put all the images and example files referenced by README.md into this folder.
  - Use absolute references like `https://raw.githubusercontent.com/owncloud/ocis/master/services/<service-name>/md-sources/file` to make the content accessible for both README.md and owncloud.dev
    bad `<img src="https://github.com/owncloud/ocis/blob/master/services/graph/images/mermaid-graph.svg" width="500" />`  
    good `<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/owncloud/ocis/master/services/graph/images/mermaid-graph.svg" width="500" />`
- [ ] If new CLI command are introduced, that command must be described in the README.md.
- [ ] If new global envvars are introduced, the name must start with `OCIS_`.
- [ ] Add the service to the makefile in the ocis repo root.
- [ ] Make the service startable for binary and individual startup:
  - For single binary add service to `ocis/pkg/runtime`
  - For individual startup add service to `ocis/pkg/commands`
  - Add the service config to `ocis-pkg/config/defaultconfig.go`
- [ ] If the service is using service accounts, add it to `ocis/pkg/init/init.go`
- [ ] Add the service to `.drone.star` to enable CI.
- [ ] Inform doc team in an _early stage_ to review the readme AND the environment variables created.
  - The description must reflect the behaviour AND usually has a positive code quality impact.
- [ ] Create proper description strings for envvars - see other services for examples, especially when it comes to multiple values. This must include:
  - base description, set of available values, description of each value.
- [ ] When suggestable commits are created for text changes and you agree, collect them to a batch and commit them. Do not forget to rebase locally to avoid overwriting the changes made.
- [ ] If new envvars are introduced which serve the same purpose but in multiple services, an additional envvar must be added at the beginning of the list starting with `OCIS_` (global envvar).
- [ ] Ensure that a service has a debug port
- [ ] If the new service introduces a new port:
  - The port must be added to [port-ranges.md](https://github.com/owncloud/ocis/blob/master/docs/services/general-info/port-ranges.md) and to the README.md file.
- [ ] Make sure to have a function `FullDefaultConfig()` in `pkg/config/defaults/defaultconfig.go` of your service. It is needed to create the documentation.
- [ ] Add metrics to the code to enable monitoring. See the proxy service for implementation details.
  - Plus add a monitoring documentation in the README.md file