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Custom component extensions

Extension Type CustomComponent

CustomComponent extensions need to define one or multiple extensionPointIds as render target. A CustomComponentTarget component for this very extension point needs to be mounted in the current view.


To define a custom component extension, you implement the CustomComponentExtension interface. Here’s what it looks like:

interface CustomComponentExtension {
  id: string,
  type: 'customComponent',
  extensionPointIds: string[],
  content: Slot | Component

For id, type, and extensionPointIds, please see extension base section in the top level docs.

The content property specifies a render function or a Component for the target extension point.


A simple example for a custom component extension could be a NyanCat progress bar component, being targeted at the global-progress-bar extension point as render target.

const extension = {
    id: 'com.github.owncloud.web.app.progress-bars.nyan-cat',
    type: 'customComponent',
    extensionPointIds: ['app.runtime.global-progress-bar'],
    content: (slots) => [h(NyanCat, slots)],
    userPreference: {
      optionLabel: $gettext('Nyan Cat progress bar')

The content property in this example can also be defined as content: NyanCat.