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Getting Started



Make sure to have Docker, Docker-Compose, Node.js and pnpm installed.

This setup currently doesn’t work on Windows out of the box.

Workaround One of our contributors has opened a PR to a dependency that prevents us from successfully bundling the frontend. Feel free to check out [his changes](https://github.com/egoist/rollup-plugin-postcss/pull/384) and build them locally if you absolutely want to work on Windows.

After cloning the source code, install the dependencies via pnpm install and bundle the frontend code by running pnpm build:w.

Then, you can start the server by running docker-compose up ocis and access it via https://host.docker.internal:9200. If you’re not using Docker Desktop, you might have to modify your /etc/hosts and add host.docker.internal to make the host.docker.internal links work.

The bundled frontend code automatically gets mounted into the Docker containers, recompiles on changes and you can log in using the demo user (admin/admin) and take a look around!

For more details on how to set up Web for development, please see tooling.

Source Code

The source code is hosted at https://github.com/owncloud/web. Please refer to the build documentation for Web.


Depending on the backend you are using, there are sample config files provided in the config folder of the ownCloud Web git repository. See below for available backends. Also, find some of the configuration details below.

  • customTranslations You can specify one or multiple files to overwrite existing translations. For example set this option to [{url: "https://localhost:9200/customTranslations.json"}].


  • options.openAppsInTab Configures whether apps and extensions generally should open in a new tab. Defaults to false.
  • options.disablePreviews Set this option to true to disable previews in all the different file listing views. The only list view that is not affected by this is the trash bin, as that doesn’t allow showing previews at all.
  • options.previewFileMimeTypes Specifies which mimeTypes will be previewed in the ui. For example to only preview jpg and text files set this option to ["image/jpeg", "text/plain"].
  • options.accountEditLink This accepts an object with the following optional fields to have a link on the account page:
    • options.accountEditLink.href Set a different target URL for the edit link. Make sure to prepend it with http(s)://.
  • options.disableFeedbackLink Set this option to true to disable the feedback link in the topbar. Keeping it enabled (value false or absence of the option) allows ownCloud to get feedback from your user base through a dedicated survey website.
  • options.feedbackLink This accepts an object with the following optional fields to customize the feedback link in the topbar:
    • options.feedbackLink.href Set a different target URL for the feedback link. Make sure to prepend it with http(s)://. Defaults to https://owncloud.com/web-design-feedback.
    • options.feedbackLink.ariaLabel Since the link only has an icon, you can set an e.g. screen reader accessible label. Defaults to ownCloud feedback survey.
    • options.feedbackLink.description Provide any description you want to see as tooltip and as accessible description. Defaults to Provide your feedback: We'd like to improve the web design and would be happy to hear your feedback. Thank you! Your ownCloud team.
  • options.sharingRecipientsPerPage Sets the amount of users shown as recipients in the dropdown when sharing resources. Default amount is 200.
  • options.sidebar.shares.showAllOnLoad Sets the list of (link) shares list in the sidebar to be initially expanded (default is a collapsed state, only showing the first three shares).
  • options.runningOnEos Set this option to true if running on an EOS storage backend to enable its specific features. Defaults to false, and we recommend reaching out to the ownCloud web team if you’re not CERN and thinking about enabling this feature flag.
  • options.cernFeatures Enabling this will activate CERN-specific features. Defaults to false.
  • options.hoverableQuickActions Set this option to true to hide the quick actions (buttons appearing on file rows), and only show them when the user hovers the row with his mouse. Defaults to false.
  • option.routing This accepts an object with the following fields to customize the routing behaviour:
    • options.routing.idBased Enable or disable fileIds being added to the URL. Defaults to true because otherwise e.g. spaces with name clashes can’t be resolved correctly. Only disable this if you can guarantee server side that spaces of the same namespace can’t have name clashes.
  • options.upload.xhr.timeout Specifies the timeout for XHR uploads in milliseconds.
  • options.editor.autosaveEnabled Specifies if the autosave for the editor apps is enabled.
  • options.editor.autosaveInterval Specifies the time interval for the autosave of editor apps in seconds.
  • options.editor.openAsPreview Specifies if non-personal files i.e. files in shares, spaces or public links are being opened in read only mode so the user needs to manually switch to edit mode. Can be set to true, false or an array of web app/editor names.
  • options.contextHelpersReadMore Specifies whether the “Read more” link should be displayed or not.
  • options.openLinksWithDefaultApp Specifies whether single file link shares should be opened with default app or not.
  • options.tokenStorageLocal Specifies whether the access token will be stored in the local storage when set to true or in the session storage when set to false. If stored in the local storage, login state will be persisted across multiple browser tabs, means no additional logins are required. Defaults to true.
  • options.loginUrl Specifies the target URL to the login page. This is helpful when an external IdP is used. This option is disabled by default. Example URL like: ‘https://www.myidp.com/login'.
  • options.logoutUrl Adds a link to the user’s profile page to point him to an external page, where he can manage his session and devices. This is helpful when an external IdP is used. This option is disabled by default.
  • options.ocm.openRemotely Specifies whether opening files in remote shares in their original ocm instance should be enabled. Defaults to false.
  • options.userListRequiresFilter Defines whether one or more filters must be set in order to list users in the Web admin settings. Set this option to ’true’ if running in an environment with a lot of users and listing all users could slow down performance. Defaults to false.
  • options.concurrentRequests This accepts an object with the following optional fields to customize the maximum number of concurrent requests in code paths where we limit concurrent requests
    • resourceBatchActions Concurrent number of file/folder/space batch actions like e.g. accepting shares. Defaults to 4.
    • sse Concurrent number of SSE event handlers. Defaults to 4.
    • shares Accepts an object regarding the following sharing related options:
      • create Concurrent number of share invites. Defaults to 4.
      • list Concurrent number of individually loaded shares. Defaults to 2.

Scripts and Styles

Web supports adding additional CSS and JavaScript files to further customize the user experience and adapt it to your specific needs. Please consider opening a feature request if you feel like your customization could be a benefit to the upstream project, and keep an eye open for future major releases of web since this API may change.

  • styles expects an array of objects that specify a href attribute, pointing to the path/URL of your stylesheet, like [{ "href": "css/custom.css" }].
  • scripts expects an array of objects that specify a src attribute, pointing to the path/URL of your script, and an optional async attribute (defaults to false), like [{ "src": "js/custom.js", "async": true }].


Web supports Sentry to provide monitoring and error tracking. To enable sending data to a Sentry instance, you can use the following configuration keys:

  • sentry.dsn Should contain the DSN for your sentry project.
  • sentry.environment: Lets you specify the environment to use in Sentry. Defaults to production.

Any other key under sentry will be forwarded to the Sentry initialization. You can find out more settings in the Sentry docs.

If you are using an old version of Sentry (9 and before), you might want to add the setting sentry.autoSessionTracking: false to avoid errors related to breaking changes introduced in the integration libraries.

Setting up backend and running

Newer versions of Web (> 7.0.2) can only run against oCIS, whereas older versions (< 7.1.0) can run against ownCloud 10 as well. Depending which one you chose, please check the matching section:
